Fours - Sanctuary
Any four shows us goals and the stable energy involved in building for the future, even though everything feels as though everything is at a standstill. Ideas spring forth at these times as if by magic.
Four of Wands - Stability within the Family
This card shows a sense of celebration associated in some way with the home and family. The reason could mean there was an addition to the family by way of birth or wedding, purchase of a home, or even an anniversary, depending on the adjoining cards.
The card reversed shows the act of finding sanctuary at home, where one finds it easy to stay within limitations set by our physical energy. The lethargy found attached to this card makes it difficult to break out of demoralized states, and the willingness to reach out to others or accept help impossible.
Four of Cups - Rejecting Help and Discontent
This card shows the refusal of a person to accept the help offered by others. He withdraws, discontentedly, to view what is happening around him, determined to make it on his own.
The card reversed speaks of a new willingness to listen and accept the help of others after a period of discontent and non-communication. The person is now comfortable in accepting positive support from others around him in situations seen in the other cards.
Four of Swords - Rest and Stillness
This card shows the need for recuperation after a period of illness or extreme emotional strain. This is a time to regroup and gather strength before proceeding.
The card reversed describes someone who has the ability to break free from feelings of entrapment and hopelessness resulting from a situation. The resolve to break free of the deadening despair must come from the person involved.
Four of Pentacles - Greed and Miserliness
This card indicates a shortcoming attached to material affairs. When someone becomes tightfisted, their emotional growth is inhibited and, over time, stunted. This card could mean that someone attempts to control another with the use of money.
The card reversed tells that security is threatened when money is held back through delays or lost through frivolous spending. This could indicate that material gains may be costing more than originally anticipated or that there are property disputes between household members.